Sunday, April 24, 2011

Showing off

One of the silliest websites I've spent time on was It is a good time waster and cure to boredom. You can insert different features on people's faces by giving people black eyes and lip rings. Here are some before and after photos so you can see the difference.
That is the before photo of my best friend and myself.

Here is the after! I gave myself a black eye, mustache, scooby doo hat, and a new nose with Dora the Explorer bandaid.For my best friend, I just gave her a beard, eyebrow ring, and a princess crown.

Hold in the is the after! I gave myself different eyes, a crazy mustache, a new mouth with bad teeth, a new hair style and color. I gave my best friend a new mouth with a tongue sticking out, blood wounds on her chest, google glasses, new hair with pink in it and a hippie headband.

As you can see, this website has a lot to offer with some new ways to spice up your Facebook profile picture while giving you more ways to cure your everyday boredem.

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