Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No Awkward Family Photos Please

One of the worst things people do on Facebook is use old family photos. Well, it can only be successful if it is funny and if the picture shows your personality really well. This picture would not be a good profile picture for the Mom because she does not want some of her high school friends to see her like this. If it was one of the son's profile pictures, then it'd be really funny since they both have fear in their eyes. It is quite entertaining.

Here is another photo that can make a profile look absolutely ridiculous. If it was the younger sister's Facebook, she should make this her profile picture just to make fun of her sister. But the older sister looks really mean and nasty in this awkward I'd suggest hiding this photo from future boyfriends.

Words cannot even begin to describe how awkward this photo is. Why is this pregnant woman reaching for his gun? This should definitely NOT be a profile picture because a gun should never be that close to a baby. This is one of the strangest photos I've ever seen.

This is definitely a no-no. It is one thing to have a wedding photo as your profile picture, but not one where it looks like your husband is motor-boating you. Wedding photos can be beautiful, but this one is just way too awkward.

And here is my favorite awkward photo. Stop laughing, you heartless people! It's okay...I definitely laughed too. This is one of the best action shots that I've ever seen. However, if I was this girl, I'd NEVER make this my profile picture because it is so embarrassing. I'm not saying this little girl would have a Facebook, but when she is could happen. This is still my favorite awkward photo, but it not Facebook material.

All of these photos came from; it is a fun website to get a good laugh and see some of the world's strangest family photos. They are all not Facebook material.

Well I must go, but I'll post more later.
Love ya,
Don't Mess with V-ness


  1. This one should not be allowed, poor kid

  2. I laughed so hard at the third one down!'s actually kind of gross....

  3. Hahaha! These are so funny....

  4. Some of these are ridiculous. But we all have our embarrassing picks lets be honest!

  5. lol these pictures are disturbing but hilarious....i don't know why someone would want to show off these photos!!!
