Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to utilize Black and White effects

First off, I reccommend taking a second look at pictures that you fall in love with of your friends and you or just yourself. The best thing to do is go to and you can edit them in cool and fun ways for free! There are effects that you can pay to use, but I think there are plenty of opportunities for free. Here are some examples:

This is one of the collages I made of my three best friends and myself. I used the Black and White effect and zoomed in to color their shirts and my headband. It gives it a neat effect that shows creativity and they print out really well so they are good decorations for dorm rooms.

This is another image where I used the same effect, but it is a little more noticeable and it shows how creative your personality is through one simple photo.

This is one of my best editted photos with me in Black and White while my friend is in color. It shows such great contrast and our facial expressions really go with our colors and lack their of. Of course, we were just goofing around with a camera at 2 a.m., but it is not obvious in this photo. All of your friends could think that you got this professionally done.

This is a picture of my best friend. It is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken and editted because her personality can really be seen in the photo. It also looks cool with the brightness of the flowers. They have a nice contrast that really give the picture a unique flair. A picture with such creativity would be great as a profile picture.

This is a picture of my friends and me for Christmas. The best thing about just using some color is that you can still use other effects on this site with it. I used an effect called Ortonish, which will give ur picture more of a natural glow. The colors blend better with the black and white with this glow in the mix.

This is only one effect on and there are plenty of more options to choose from. Next post will be about putting the right kind of family photos up on Facebook and which to leave in the baby albums.

Love ya,
Don't Mess with V-ness


  1. i completely agree with this! i've only done to one picture and i have everything black & white except my bathing suit top and possibly a turtle i found on the beach. but it was my profile picture for a long time

  2. I've never edited any of my pictures because I'm lazy as hell, but yours look really good. Maybe, I'll start!
