Sunday, April 24, 2011

Good Night and Good Luck

Hello followers and those who check out my page,

This is my last post, but feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions. I really appreciate you all taking the time to look at my blog and I wish you all luck with looking fabulous in your pictures.

Just remember that your picture should ultimately just represent your personality and by letting that shine through, it will definitely be a success.

Here is one last video I'm posting called, "I Gotta Feeling Tonight's Gonna Be a Profile Pic," where iJustine spoofs "I Gotta Feeling" and Facebook in the same song.
Well, it was a pleasure sharing all I know about profile pictures. Good Night and Good Luck.
Love ya,
Don't Mess with V-Ness is the best!

My personal favorite website is where you can insert your head or your friend's head onto characters or celebrities. It is a creative website that will definitely generate plenty of laughter.

Here is a silly cartoon of Spongebob and Patrick that I put my best friend and myself in.

This is my one of my favorite ones because my best friend and I have an obsession with Titanic.

This is from the music video by Beyonce called "Single Ladies." My best friends and I were all single at the time so it was a cute picture to put together.

These are of the Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls. My friends and I enjoy 90s music so we always jam to those songs.

Here is a picture from another music video by Lady Gaga and Beyonce called "Telephone." My friend and I loved the song so I inserted our heads in this picture as a joke.

These are the best shots I've put in accurately and that go with the scene. The thing to remember is to try and get a similar skin tone and find an angle of your face that goes well with the photo. These are my favorite because these are my future husbands. I'm going to have a polyandry life with multiple husbands.

After this, I will be making my last post on here.

Love ya,
Don't Mess with V-Ness  

Showing off

One of the silliest websites I've spent time on was It is a good time waster and cure to boredom. You can insert different features on people's faces by giving people black eyes and lip rings. Here are some before and after photos so you can see the difference.
That is the before photo of my best friend and myself.

Here is the after! I gave myself a black eye, mustache, scooby doo hat, and a new nose with Dora the Explorer bandaid.For my best friend, I just gave her a beard, eyebrow ring, and a princess crown.

Hold in the is the after! I gave myself different eyes, a crazy mustache, a new mouth with bad teeth, a new hair style and color. I gave my best friend a new mouth with a tongue sticking out, blood wounds on her chest, google glasses, new hair with pink in it and a hippie headband.

As you can see, this website has a lot to offer with some new ways to spice up your Facebook profile picture while giving you more ways to cure your everyday boredem.

Introducing PhotoFunia is a fun website where you can be creative and turn normal photos into works of art. Here are some examples of the fun that can be shared on this interesting website.

This is one way to spice up your Facebook with a Wanted Sign and your face plastered on it. You can type in whatever name and any price you feel is appropriate for your capture.

You can also be artsy with your Facebook photo by showing this interesting design. It is a great tool to show creativity and individuality.

This is an example of another popular feature on the site. You can insert your face into certain bodies and it is quite fascinating.

 This picture is one of my favorite designs because it gives the illusion that your face is being painted on a billboard. It will make people on Facebook look twice.

This is a more abstract picture, but it has someone random staring at it which makes you look famous. It is pretty funny.
This one is definitely the coolest. To draw that much detail with chalk is incredible, but obviously it is computer generated talent, but it still looks neat.

Many of my friends used this as their profile picture. Every girl dreams of being on the cover of a magazine especially one as prestigious as Vogue. So now, here is your chance!

There are also funny pictures with celebrities holding photos up of their fans. There is one with Victoria Beckham and another with Paris Hilton.

Celebrities also can wear shirts with your face on them like Angelina Jolie does with this silly photo.

I saved the best for last. You can be on David Beckham's tattoo. It cleverly inserted my face onto his angel tattoo. It fits so well, which makes me laugh.

So you saw what Photofunia has to offer from artsy to just silly photos. It is your turn to go and have with it!

Love ya,
Don't Mess with V-Ness

Friday, April 22, 2011

Time to Listen to some Professionals

Now it's up to the professionals to really tell you how to work it on Facebook...
Here are some websites that can help you create the perfect image you are looking for: Here are 5 tips for Creating the Perfect Profile Pic by The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures by OkTrends The 30 Standard Facebook Profile Photo styles by Nick O' Neill

I hope these help you all figure out how you want to be represented through your profile pictures. Next post, I'll show cool websites that you can go onto to add some more creativity to your pictures besides just

Love always,
Don't Mess with V-Ness

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tips for Profile Picture Video!

Here is a video that can help you find the best profile picture. It is very entertaining. It says that it is only for single guys, but girls can use these tips as well!

No Awkward Family Photos Please

One of the worst things people do on Facebook is use old family photos. Well, it can only be successful if it is funny and if the picture shows your personality really well. This picture would not be a good profile picture for the Mom because she does not want some of her high school friends to see her like this. If it was one of the son's profile pictures, then it'd be really funny since they both have fear in their eyes. It is quite entertaining.

Here is another photo that can make a profile look absolutely ridiculous. If it was the younger sister's Facebook, she should make this her profile picture just to make fun of her sister. But the older sister looks really mean and nasty in this awkward I'd suggest hiding this photo from future boyfriends.

Words cannot even begin to describe how awkward this photo is. Why is this pregnant woman reaching for his gun? This should definitely NOT be a profile picture because a gun should never be that close to a baby. This is one of the strangest photos I've ever seen.

This is definitely a no-no. It is one thing to have a wedding photo as your profile picture, but not one where it looks like your husband is motor-boating you. Wedding photos can be beautiful, but this one is just way too awkward.

And here is my favorite awkward photo. Stop laughing, you heartless people! It's okay...I definitely laughed too. This is one of the best action shots that I've ever seen. However, if I was this girl, I'd NEVER make this my profile picture because it is so embarrassing. I'm not saying this little girl would have a Facebook, but when she is could happen. This is still my favorite awkward photo, but it not Facebook material.

All of these photos came from; it is a fun website to get a good laugh and see some of the world's strangest family photos. They are all not Facebook material.

Well I must go, but I'll post more later.
Love ya,
Don't Mess with V-ness